Wednesday, January 1, 2020

3 Important Elements of a Resume That Get Results

3 Important Elements of a Resume That Get Results3 Important Elements of a Resume That Get ResultsThink of your resume as a marketing tool designed to sell employers on a great brand- you By promoting how your qualifications match their needs, youll come across as an interview-worthy candidate that demands serious consideration. Achieve the results you want by focusing on these three important elements of a resume.Here are three important elements of a resume that gets results1. KeywordsTaking the time to figure out which words and phrases will strike a chord with hiring managers can be the difference between success and the rejection pile. If the employer uses an Applicant Tracking System (ATS), it will scan your material to determine potential suitability. Failure to include pertinent terms will take you out of consideration before menschlich eyes ever see the resume. And even if an actual person does all the evaluating, he will be looking for quick evidence of who among his stack of paperwork deserves a second thought.To come up with keywords, take a long look at the job ad. Terms emphasized tzu siche likely will be the same ones an employer wants to see on a resume.2. Demonstrated AchievementsKeywords may help you get a foot in the door, but stories, descriptions, and solid credentials will land you a seat at the interview table. Employers want to see the important qualities they desire in context, not as a list of words.Forget boring phrases such as I did this or I was responsible for that. Instead, focus on engaging action verbs that get to the heart of your performance. Likewise, dump overused, vague terms such as excellent communicator and hard worker in favor of concrete (quantifiable, if possible) evidence of achievement.A person who states she researched and wrote 60 feature articles on small business marketing for her previous employer paints a much mora vivid picture than someone who simply notes that shes a good writer. Demonstrate how your effort s saved money, improved efficiency, or otherwise made a difference at past companies and youll open eyes at new ones.3. CustomizationLastly, dont buy into the idea that a generic resume works just as well as an employer-specific one. Customize your resume to the individual job to be sure relevant information is easy to spot rather than buried among unnecessary extras.Every aspect of each job should be customized. It may take a bit of brainstorming, but the extra time you put into digging into each position and uncovering the best parts of the job will pay off in the end, says Linda Matias, a nationally certified resume writer and owner of CareerStrides.Start with these ideas for customizing your resumeKeep accomplishments relevant to the position you are seeking.Present a consistent career goal so as not to make an employer wonder where your true passion lies.Ask yourself what information would be of most interest to this employer.Stay focused on the given employers needs and wants. A strategized resume may take longer to create now, but it will ultimately save time in the end when you land a great position and can stop job huntingFor more resume advice, take a look at our resume tips category.Readers, what do you think of these elements of aresume that gets results? Share your thoughtsby leaving a comment

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