Friday, December 27, 2019

s This the Most Wear-Resistant Material in the World

s This the Most Wear-Resistant Material in the World s This the Most Wear-Resistant Material in the World Is This the Most Wear-Resistant Material in the World?People love gold for many reasons. Its shiny, valuable, an excellent conductor, and doesnt corrode quickly. Gold is also extremely brittle. But when scientists at Sandia National Laboratories mixed platinum with a little gold, they ended up creating what some are calling the most wear-resistant alloy in the world.Researchers at the U.S. national lab mixed 10 percent gold with 90 percent platinum and made an alloy thats up to 100 times mora wear resistant than stainless steel, two to three times more than hard-gold metal alloys, and up to nine times more than gold. The new alloy could be used to make new power-generation systems, engines and other equipment that are long lasting and require low maintenance.Theres nothing intrinsic about platinum or gold alone that drives you to select these like we did, said Nic Argibay, a mate rials scientist and researcher at Sandia. In the right proportion, those two elements could be configured into a microstructure that has remarkable stability.For You Engineering Simulation Provides Real-World Design Benefits and ImprovementsResearchers Michael Chandross (left) and Nic Argibay work on a computer simulation that predicts the wear resistance of their platinum-gold alloy. Image Randy Montoya / Sandia National LaboratoriesPast work on how metals wear and the use of alloys in electrical contacts motivated the scientists to look at the relationship between platinum and gold. Their understanding of how metals interact when sliding or rolling against each other led them to design new materials with superior performance. Inspired by research at MIT, which found that platinum-gold belonged to a class of nanocrystalline alloys with thermal and mechanical stability, Sandia researchers began designing clever ways to increase the stability of particular alloys.We came to understan d that the microstructure and its evolution the grain size and how stable the grain size is is fundamentally and primarily defining the frictional and wear properties of an alloy when it is rubbing against metal, Argibay said.Platinum-gold will improve electrical contacts by reducing cost, increasing reliability, and achieving better performance in more aggressive environments, the researchers said. It could also be used as a coating to address tribological and structural issues in gears, engines, and other engineering products.One impact area we are excited about is next-generation wind turbines that may rely on noble-metal coatings like this to facilitate or obviate the removal of rare-earth metals, he said. You may have a direct-drive wind turbine with electrically energized generators. Instead of having to put expensive, heavy and risky rare-earth metals in rotors, we can enable a different route to design next-generation large wind turbines that are equally reliable to what w e use today, but much cheaper.In the short-term, the alloy could be added to blade-pitch motors and communication slip rings used in wind turbines, which wouldnt need to be opened up and fixed repeatedly. Reduced maintenance costs, along with the longer life of parts, could offset the high cost of the metals.Even though its an expensive platinum and gold alloy, thats a lot less costly now, Argibay said. You might start considering using platinum and gold in cheaper commercial products if you need a tiny bit of it.The researchers determined the ratio of platinum and gold that should give the alloy a grain size with better wear properties. The coatings which were one to two micrometers in size, in line with standard gold coatings were synthesized through sputter. The coated steel was put through a friction and wear tester called a tribometer, and connected to a hard, smooth sapphire sphere. Samples were taken after progressively long periods of sliding or cycling wear and researcher s determined the volume lost. A host of characterization techniques were also run to see what areas of the microstructure had worn. The researchers also ran molecular dynamics simulations.The platinum-gold alloy is in the process of being patented. The research is being used as a springboard to find other wear-resistant alloys cheaper than platinum-gold. The researchers also want to test the effectiveness of platinum-gold coatings down to a few hundred nanometers.Read MoreSpray-On Antenna Could Signal the Future of WirelessHow Engineers Close Communication Gaps with Non-engineersEngineers Cook Up New Robots for Hungry Food Industry For Further Discussion One impact area we are excited about is next-generation wind turbines that may rely on noble-metal coatings like this to facilitate or obviate the removal of rare-earth metals.Nic Argibay, Sandia

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Biomedical Engineering in Sports Medicine

Biomedical Engineering in Sports Medicine Biomedical Engineering in Sports Medicine Attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Jennifer Sanfilippo is working toward a graduate degree in biomedical engineering, specializing in sports medicine. Sanfilippos experience has involved working for high school and university programs and with mechanical engineers, doctors, therapists, and athletic trainers for her research. Sanfilippoholds a B.S. degree in biology and another in athletic training and plans to graduate in May 2011 with an M.S. in biomedical engineering.Falling for Sports MedicineShe recalls how it all began I became interested in sports medicine when I was in high school. Participating in sports myself, in the off season, I would stay involved helping the schools athletic trainer with athletes during the practice season. Coming to Madison, I began my college experience studying in the biology department as a general student with the hopes of continuing in medicine, but as many young students find themselves honing in on specific interests, I eventually moved into the kinesiology department. There I sought a degree in athletic training. While studying, I had the opportunity to work with various athletes on their injuries, following them to away games, and observing different medical professionals reveal their specific expertise. During this time, I realized my true love of research and my unknown desire to become an engineer. Working for my masters in biomedical engineering, I have taken courses in materials, mechanics, statistics, and biology which are all required in my everyday research.The University of Wisconsin Madison Athletic Training Education Program features a strong cocktail of basic sciences, kinesiology courses, and athletic training subject matter. The program features clinical experiences in intercollegiate and secondary school settings. Working directly with school athletes is unique to the Athletic Training program. Every semester, s tudent athletic trainers are assigned to a collegiate team, where they are directly involved in the athletes rehab program. One semester is done at a high school helping with the sports offered for the semester. This provides an exposure to a larger variety of injury types. In biomedical engineering, you can have a variety of experiences at the masters level based on your particular research interests. As my interests are more biomechanically related specifically to orthopedics, I study hamstrings and work directly with the physical therapists and athletic trainers.My personal research is directly related to the injuries themselves. It is very interesting to see how one injured muscle can affect all parts of a persons gait (way of walking) and how the healing process further affects this. Normally, as an athletic trainer, I saw the overall effect, but in my research I am able to see tissue level healing with the help of MRI use. We work on using engineering techniques to analyze inj uries and how rehab directly affects the healing tissues. The mechanical engineering we use is directly involved in data analysis using specialized equipment, we can see when muscles fire, how much force they apply, and which ones do the most work. We use such programs as Matlab to calculate peak torque of specific muscle groups. After analyzing an injured athlete, we help with new rehabilitation techniques and then retest the subjects to determine how well we have cured the injury. I use mechanical concepts at almost every step, starting with proper function of equipment, proceeding with testing forces, and ending with our analysis. If you would like more information about the laboratory I work in along with other research we are currently investigating, follow the link of my colleagues have moved from research to work in academic laboratories, national laboratories such as the National Institute of Health, medical equipment design, compani es such as GE Healthcare, and others. I hope to move into athletic training specifically designing new treatment methods for injuries and stay tied in research while helping athletes at a university.The Move to ResearchIn the past, athletic trainers and sports medicine professionals have worked specifically on athletes, but they are now moving to assist with sports-related research and work for companies as on-staff medical personnel. Also, as the population grows and ages, the need for medical assistance is increasing in demand. With more specialized professionals, people can get the exact help they need without relying on a first visit to a general care doctor.Sports medicine is a growing field, uniting biomedical engineers with sports medicine professionals, allowing the field to advance in materials with the creation of ergonomic prosthetics with biocompatible materials, monitoring systems for recovering injuries, mechanical bracing apparatus for weak joints, and more.It is very interesting to see how one injured muscle can affect all parts of a persons gait (way of walking) and how the healing process further affects this.Jennifer Sanfilippo, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Intuitive And Professional Resume Builder [2019]

Intuitive And Professional Resume Builder 2019Intuitive And Professional Resume Builder Hello and welcome to the most intuitive and professional resume and Cover Letter Builder.Together with professional recruiters and employers, we have developed the perfect tool to help you get your dream job since it is our mission to End Galactic Unemployment.Writing a professional job application can be perceived as a quest, but by following our guidance you will have a pleasant journey, in some cases, you might learn new things about yourself and end up with the perfect resume.1) Choose Your Resume Template + Level of ExperienceAfter conducting extensive research with recruiters and employers, we have created different types of templates according to the level of professional experience.The resume templates (Graduates Intermediates) are ones in the top left corner and then on Open Video List.13) Layout SettingsThe PresWhen you are about to finish writing the content and arranging your layout, you can click in the top left corner on the Optimizer button to check the strength of your resume and our professional revisions and suggestions that will help you craft the perfect job application.17) Get Inspired by Professional Resume ExamplesIn collaboration with recruiters from multiple industries and countries the following examples have been created to give you an idea on how the final documents will look like.

Friday, December 13, 2019

6 Reasons to Quit Your Job Today

6 Reasons to Quit Your Job Today 6 Reasons to Quit Your Job Today If you dread going to work, youre leid alone. In fact, only 15 percent of workers around the world are engaged at work, according to Gallup.What gives? Why do so many people suffer through jobs they dont like all that much instead of jumping ship?It doesnt have to be that way. Theres always something better out there. If any of these five things is happening to you, its time to quit today. 1. You Are Having Constant Negative, Stressful ThoughtsIf youve started to have self-destructive thoughts because of your job, its time to quit. It will only get worse if you stay in your organization. Be brave.Make a plan of action. Start by setting out a realistic timeline - for example, I will have a new job two months from now. Next, determine the steps you will use to get there. I love usingsticky notes, because I can scatter my thoughts all over the office wall and then organized them based on importance and sense of urgency . 2. You Hate Your BossAs many as one in five workers hates their boss, according to one study. If youre one of them, you should knowyour supervisor is not likely to go away anytime soon. That means its up to you to change the situation - by finding another job. Hand in your resignation letter today, and youll feel a huge sense of relief. 3. You Hate Your CoworkersYou may becool with your boss, but if you hate your coworkers, youre still in for trouble. Maybe youve tried your best to fit in and even talked to your boss about it, who stepped in but couldnt fix the problem.If thissounds like your case,youre working in a toxic environment. Toxic environments dont change without serious interventions from company leadership. Instead of waiting around for that to happen, your best bet is to get out today.Find a better job with a better company culture and work environment. Connect with people who work at your target employers and start meaningful conversations about the environments the y work in. Askif they could see you fitting in and thriving in those environments. 4. Your Manager Ignores YouYoure shouting, but nobodys listening. Sound familiar?You should work in an organization where your bosses and coworkers respect you and take your opinions to heart. Youshould feel valued and respected by your managers and leaders, not neglected.Before you jump ship, find a company where you will get the kind of validation you seek. Glassdoor is a great resource for learning aboutcompany cultures, as the reviews all come from real-life employees. 5. Your Job Is BoringThirty-three percent of people are bored at work.Few people enjoy their jobs all the time, but if youfind your work to be seriously and consistently boring, its time tofind a new challenge.Perhaps youre just too good at what you do and youve outgrown your role. Maybe youre sick of the everyday grind. Whatever the reason,you need a job that will excite you again.Explore emerging technologies and new products. Fin d new applications for existing products. Look for anything that seems like it will allow you to be mora creative and engaged at work.6. Your Personal Relationships Are SufferingIf your job is starting to interfere with your personal relationships,know that its not worth it.Dont sacrificeyour loved ones for a job. Instead, find another job that allows you more time with your family, whether that means a shorter commute orfewer required business trips. Dowhatever it takes.- I know its always tough to leave a job, even one you hate, and you cant always just quit on a whim. You have bills to pay and food to put on the table.Still, have the power to turn things around, and you should use it when you can. Never feel like you have to stay in a job thats hurting you.Nader Mowlaeeis an engineering career coach and recruiter who is motivated by building confidence in engineers.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

How to Write a Good Resume Fundamentals Explained

How to Write a Good Resume Fundamentals Explained Heres What I Know About How to Write a Good Resume You probably realize that having an expert CV is always likely to offer you benefits. At precisely the same time, it can enable you to strike in the opinion of a recruiter in the event the stelle suits best to your eligibility. You know your resume is a vital portion of obtaining a new job Thats why youre taking time to learn to compose a resume so that you have the very best. Youd be amazed how a personal touch following a work interview can do wonders. New Ideas Into How to Write a Good Resume Never Before Revealed Laurens resume is unique because its a timeless case of an actors resume. Fantastic grammar is also warranted in regards to writing a fantastic and impressive resumes. A professional resume isnt supposed to get grammar or style mistakes. Have confidence in what youve got to offer you. Your resume structure can ensure it is simpler for them to look closely at wh atever you would like to express. The How to Write a Good Resume Cover Up One of the hazards of a resume objective is that you are able to focus too much on what you would like in your career, and not enough on how you are going to add value to the organization. In the end, stating an objective is optional, but it might help convince employers that you understand what you need and understand the business. Based on your industry, there are various vital terms and ways of representing skills. Based on the job youre applying for, presentation abilities and report preparation may be an asset. Focus on how you would like to grow within the corporation. Focus on how youre an advantage to the companynot the way the firm can help you. Whoever owns a little software provider advertises for a seasoned software salesperson. You should definitely pick a quote or motto thats in step with the values and needs of the organization and location you apply to. Choosing Good How to Write a Goo d Resume Otherwise, the employer wont be in a position to get in touch with you. Resume objectives can be a little controversial. Additionally, you should enable the recruiters understand about your own personal strengths such that youd be the ideal candidate they should consider. If possible, ask a dependable friend to proofread your CV. In addition, there are books solely written to assist you write wonderful resumes. Writing quality essays is the principal use of our services. Tailor your CV or resume so that its clear you wish to join them particularly. Using words straight from the listing will demonstrate that youre a great fit for the job. A resume isnt only for locating a new job. In order be in a position to secure a job that you have to get a restart. Even in case youve never held an official job, its still true that you have life experience thats applicable to the work search. Locating a job is a difficult job alone. If you cannot locate a lot of job experien ces which could demonstrate that youre capable for the job, you can attempt to mention a few of the projects which youve done in school. Always customizeunless, obviously, you dont really care whether you have the job. In case it feels like youll never locate the ideal job and you become discouraged, youre only hurting your chances. On the flip side, if you know the job that youll be more impressive during the interview and is going to have a better chance of being employed. You want to not just catch the hiring managers eyeyou have to make sure they look over your statement and say Whew It is often as easy as stating your preferred job title, or it may show where youve been, and where you aspire to go in your career. Before interviewing for employment, make certain your letter is customized, your resume is polished, and youre prepared for anything. It is clear that a property manager cover letter is mandatory to apply to get a job.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

How to Recruit the Best Talent from Colleges - Spark Hire

How to Recruit the Best Talent from Colleges - Spark HireRecruiting college students today is not as easy as simply signing up with career centers and attending job fairs. Todays college students are not always actively searching for work, so it is important for companies to get creative with their college recruiting strategy.Employer BrandingFirst things first, take a look at your employer branding and make sure that it truly represents your company culture. Ensure that you have the perks that employees are looking for and that you are clearly portraying these perks in your branding. If your employer branding is not appealing to college students, you need to think about ways you can change this in order to attract top talent.Campus VisitsRecruiting passive college students is not as simple as just showing up for job fairs twice a year. As stated by, relying primarily on the career center will cause you to miss out on as much as 50 percent of the undergraduate campus populati on.Make sure your company brand has a presence on campus. Create a list of the colleges you have had successful hires from in the past and make sure that you or someone on your team is visiting each campus, meeting professors of courses that are relatable to your industry and the type of jobs you will be hiring for. By building close relationships with the professors, you may receive opportunities to speak to their classes and become visible to their students.Keep In TouchAs you build relationships with professors, be sure to hang onto their contact information. Staying in touch with the professors gives you greater probability that they will refer their top students to you and your company. Likewise, keep in touch with students that you meet on campus. Let them know the benefits of working with your company and that you are interested in speaking with them about a position once they have graduated.As notes, dont only focus your attention on seniors. Rather, consider all stu dents. Its never too early to market your company to its next great hire, whether that hire joins the company a year from now or four years from now.College recruitment strategies, as well as employer branding strategies, should be reviewed and revised yearly. Having a fresh marketing strategy and increasing your visibility on campus will help you and your company become a memorable brand to students.How do you market your company to college students? Please share your tips and experiences in the comments below.Check out Spark Hires infographicHow to Hire the Perfect GradImages dplett/

Thursday, November 28, 2019 Offers Second #8220;Kill the Cover Letter#8221; Campaign, Social Media Focus Offers Second 8220Kill the Cover Letter8221 Campaign, Social Media Focus Offers Second Kill the Cover Letter Campaign, Social Media Focus The Kill the Cover Letter Part 2 Social Media Interns is a new campaign focused on helping employers creatively find social media interns. Instead of soliciting the traditional resume, companies have the opportunity to deutsche post ag their vacant roles as their social media handles- for free.Students are then encouraged to apply for the open roles using creative zugnglich strategies, Tweets, links to their digital portfolios and more.The recruiting and hiring process for social media interns is broken, Nathan Parcells, chief marketing officer at InternMatch, said. The Killer The Cover Letter campaign is looking to transform the way companies approach hiring social media interns by showing them the benefits of taking a less traditional and more creative focus to the application process. This will bring in more tal ented students and ultimately better hires.On May 1, the company will feature internships from the first 50 companies that signed up. That same day, InternMatch will also offer a panel featuring some of the nations leading digital marketing experts. The panel will discuss the future of social media and offer tips and advice on hiring social media students.The panel speakers includeNando Rodriguez and Charlene Narcelles, Senior Social Media Recruiter for North America and Talent Acquisition Manager for North America at Olgivy and Mather and co-founders of InterviewingUAmanda Pirtle and Emily Cloud, Director of University Relations and Marketing Associate, Nestl PurinaWill Houghteling, Education and Community Partnerships Lead, Google+Thomas Knoll, CEO of ClippPR, former Community Architect at ZapposInternMatchs first campaign proved to be a hit, with more than 30 startups requiring students to apply for internships via creative online applications. The participating companies experie nced a 75 percent hiring rate.To sign up for this years social media campaign, click here.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Its time to stop extrapolating all of your perceptions

Its time to stop extrapolating all of your perceptionsIts time to stop extrapolating all of your perceptionsI bet that youre extrapolating your perceptions all the time. Let me give you a few examples and tell whether Im wrong.House prices will probably keep increasing.That person will never change.My business will keep growing.I will never learn from my mistakes.He doesnt like me.We often have these type of thoughts multiple times a day. The root of this problem is our quick judgment.Humans are very fast thinkers. But how fast do we even think?Scientists have quantified the speed of light and sound, but when it comes to thoughts, its notlage that easily measured.Researchers that did experiments with measuring the speed of thought, found the following Thoughts can be generated and acted upon within 150 milliseconds.If thats really true, were faster than the load time of Google. The median load time for on mobile is currently 600 ms.Were fast thinkersBut that doesnt mean we should follow through on every single thought that pops into our mind.Have you ever tried measuring how many random thoughts that pop up in your mind? Just do a simple experiment. For the rest of the day, be aware of your thoughts.Dont follow through. Every time you start thinking about future events or start making mental movies, keep count on a post-it note or small piece of paper.I did it one day at the office. It looked like this23 random thoughts that came out of nowhere. And I wouldnt be surprised if I have 2300 more thoughts in my subconscious.But heres the trick Dont follow through on those thoughts. Because if you do, your mind will turn into total chaos.Instead of making all kinds of mental movies, always stick to first impressions. Never make assumptions. Only look at impressions and dont think about what everything means.Thats a simple stoic exercise that I picked up from Meditations by Marcus AureliusStick with first impressions. Dont extrapolate. And nothing can happe n to you.Thats how you always stay calm. But sticking with first impressions is very difficult because were all impatient. Were so eager that we immediately make judgments after our first impressions. Can you believe that?She didnt respond to my text. She doesnt like me anymore.Lets say you make a quick judgment like that - or something similar. Admit it, we all do it But lets look at what that means.So someone doesnt respond to you right away. Okay. Thats the whole impression - nothing more, nothing less.You see? The first impression is that you didnt get a reply. Its not this Why didnt I hear anything back? She probably doesnt care about me. Other things are more important to her.Two hours later, you get a reply. And what did you do during those two hours?Correct, eat yourself up from inside. Its not worth it.Do your own thing - alwaysIf you want to stop extrapolating, you need to be more stoic. Looking at things for what they are is not that easy. Ryan Holiday, someone who has studied stoicism, and wrote The Obstacle Is The Way, said it bestIt takes skill and discipline to bat away the pests of schwimmbad perceptions, to separate reliable signals from deceptive ones, to filter out prejudice, expectation, and fear.A conflict at work. A dip in your sales. A disagreement with your spouse.Look at things for what they are. Whats within your control? Is there something you can do right now? Can you make the situation better? Then do it. And do the job well.If you cant- do something else.Have different things in your life that you can give your attention to. For exampleAlways learn a new skillGet some exercise every dayWork on your goalsThe point is that you want to be very clear on what youre doing in your life, at any moment. If Im asking you, what are you doing? You should have a clear answer.Im relaxing, you might say.Perfect. Youre doing your own thing. Youre not a slave to your thoughts or other peoples actions.This is your life. As long as youre not harm ing yourself or others, you can do whatever you likeJust stop thinking about what everything means and start looking at things for what they are.Thisarticlefirst appeared onDarius Foroux.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why fake it til you make it doesnt always work

Why fake it til you make it doesnt always workWhy fake it til you make it doesnt always workWeve all heard the advice, Fake it till you make it. Whether it came up in that college presentation, during your first interview or when your boss asked if you were up for a challenging project, we bet youve said, No problem more often than, Actually, I have no experience in that.Admitting that you dont have the creds to take on an important task is super embarrassing, but do you know whats even more embarrassing? Lying about your experience, taking on the task and failing miserably. This, friends, is why you should never fake it - because you likely wont make it.Kimberly White, the senior director of operations at tech rental management company Vacasa, told Fortune why the mentality just doesnt do you favors in the long run.Contrived confidence is artificial and easy to spot, and Ive found that authenticity and transparency earn you greater respect, anyway, White said. Say, I dont know, but Ill find out, and youll build a stronger relationship than if you spin an answer out of buzzwords and wishful thinking.ur issue with the phrase? Depending on your industry, you could be thrown into a fast-paced environment that doesnt allow you the time to learn whatever task you said you already knew.For example, if you said in a job interview that youre extremely comfortable with Adobe Suite and youre hired soon thereafter, you could be spending your first day tasked with making a ton of graphics and have no idea what to do. And worse Your boss will definitely notice that you lied.So, what should you do instead? Its not reasonable for you to say no to every task for which you dont have the ideal experience.The best approach is to say, Im not totally familiar with X, but Im happy to learn quickly Youre basically saying, No, I dont have the experience for this, but Im willing to gain the experience to complete the task. Win-win.The bottom line Being dishonest about your abilities ( or lack thereof) is actually a huge turn-off to employers, professors, coaches, etc., so dont fake anything. Be real about what you have yet to learn.You may just find that the people youre trying to impress will not only be forgiving, but also impressed with you for being so transparent.So go ahead and drop fake it till you make it from your clich phrase vocabulary ASAP - trust us on this one.This deutsche post dhl was originally published on Swirled.